Day Two: California

Whew. Today was full of a lot of really really really windy, steep roads.  Despite the crazy roads, it was a beautiful drive.  Ya know those tourism commercials for California depicting all the different aspects of the state? Turns out, they're accurate!  California is vastly different depending on the part of the state you're in, but, so far, it's all been gorgeous. 
I've never seen as many vineyards in my life. Literally.
Honestly, as I'm sitting in our hotel at 9:00pm, it's hard to differentiate between what we saw today and what we saw yesterday.  It's only day two and the days are already blending together. Yikes.  What I do know is that Cooper was awesome today.  He's settling into not being up front with us the entire time.  He actually slept for most of our drive today.  
But, by far, the coolest part of the day was San Francisco.  I woke Neal up right before we drove over the Golden Gate Bridge.  We went to the Golden Gate Bridge Park and took some more photos, looked at the exhibit, bought a souvenir, and just took it all then.  We weren't going to spend much time in SF, but then it occurred to me they have those really cool cable cars! I wanted to at least see one before we left.  We drove down to the bay and after taking it all in, we both agreed we could spend a full week in San Francisco, and in the future we probably will.  We loved it!
Crossing the Golden Gate Bridge.
One of the cables on the bridge.
Pretty dang cool, even with all the fog.
California friends, now is the time to avert your eyes.  We went to In-N-Out for the first time today after hearing they have the best burgers to be found.  Well, we don't agree.  Eh. I'm glad we can now say we went. But, really, it's not that great.  Sorry, Californians!
 Tomorrow we're exploring a little bit of Los Angeles, and then it's onto Arizona!


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