We started today out in Arizona. We hung out with Rach and Stephen for a few hours this morning and finally got on the road a bit before noon. This was definitely the most boring drive. It was just desert for miles upon miles.
And, oh yeah, we had our first Whataburger experience this afternoon. Sorry, In-N-Out fans, but it was WAY better. It still wasn't Five Guys good, but it was leaps and bounds above In-N-Out.
We witnessed this beautiful sunset in New Mexico.
The first bright sunset we've seen in a LONG time. |
And before we left New Mexico, we'd been told we had to eat a green chile burrito. Well, we were almost to Texas and we were running out of places to stop. So we googled this place and found a Mexican spot called "Go Burger." Is it just me or is a Mexican place called Go Burger weird? Well, we got there and I sent Neal to order us burritos. Well, the place was CLOSED! Neal then comes over to the truck and tells me the lady said she'd make us some anyways. He comes back to the truck with, I swear, like 10 pounds of burrito. OHMYGOSH. They were delicious but they were so.stinkin.HUGE. We each only ate like a third of our burrito. Definitely glad we tried 'em though!
We drove and drove and drove and stopped in Van Horn, TX for the night. Next: San Antonio!
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