
Just seven little days stand between us and the road trip of a lifetime! Woop woop!

At this point, I'm feeling REALLY EXCITED.  My car was shipped on Monday.  The surveyor also came out on Monday to assess the space and supplies the movers will need.  The surveyor was here for approximately 7 minutes so let's just hope the movers actually bring enough materials since when we moved the first time, they showed up with no materials and we had to delay the packing and shipping of our stuff. 

We still need to sell our couch and desk.  We sold our coffee table on Thursday, ironically to a girl who used to live in Chesapeake.  Small world.  Worst case scenario, we just end up donating those items which isn't the end of the world as we already plan to donate an old dresser.  I'm anxious for the movers to come and pack everything so I can go ahead and clean our apartment from top to bottom and then we can hit the road

I expected these last couple of weeks to feel really sad, but they haven't [thank goodness]!  We've had fun with friends this week saying "goodbye."  We went to breakfast with friends and their two daughters on Saturday morning, had lunch with [most of] our small group on Sunday, I made dinner Wednesday night for some friends, and Friday night we went to a going-away party for Neal and some of his co-workers. 

I still have a few friends I'll be stopping by to see before we leave.  And tomorrow is our last Sunday at GracePoint.  Tangent:  If I haven't already expressed how much we're going to miss this church, let me do it now.  We're going to miss it terribly.  At lunch with our small group we were talking about how awesome our church is.  [Side note: What an awesome conversation for a group of 24-year-olds to be having. I love it!]  We were discussing how good our church is at getting young people involved [compared to other churches we've attended].  We attribute this, at least partially, to the fact that our pastor was a youth pastor for many years so he's very engaging and great at reaching out to folks in our generation [college students and, especially, young adults].  We'd been looking for "our church" since we were dating [started looking around 2010] and back home in Virginia we just always resorted going to church with our parents because we couldn't find a church that reached out to people our age....really at all.  Don't get me wrong, we love our parents' church, we're both technically still members there, Neal's uncle is the pastor, and it's the church we got married in.  But it's not a place where we can find other people our age to engage with and do life with.  We are not looking forward to having to find another church when we move back.  We wish we could just fly back here and attend GracePoint every Sunday and continue with our same small group.  But we know that the Lord will lead us to a new small group and church where we will learn, grow, and forge new relationships with new people....and that part is something we can get excited about in the church-search process. 

Anyways, SEVEN DAYS.  One week from now the truck will be loaded, our belongings will be on their way to a storage facility, and we'll be embarking on the trip of a lifetime.

P.S. Please pray for us as we prepare for and embark on this journey.  Also, with all this wacky weather lately, please pray for safe driving conditions!  Thank you :)


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